China’s New Patriotic Education Law: What You Need to Know!

by | Aug 4, 2023 | CROWDSOURCE™ | 0 comments

China’s new patriotic education law aimed at boosting patriotic education fits within a broader historical context that includes some controversial aspects of nationalist fervour. The Communist Party of China (CCP) has long prioritised patriotic sentiment, and at times, this has included propagandising nationalism to remarkable extremes.

One such example that has raised eyebrows is the claim that Chinese citizens are derived from a unique species of human. This assertion goes beyond mere pride in cultural heritage and ventures into the realm of ethnic exceptionalism.

The newly proposed legislation, comprising five detailed chapters, builds on this history by seeking to instil patriotic values across various spheres of social life, including education, arts, media, culture, and tourism.

Chapter I highlights the necessity of patriotic education, connecting it with China’s socialist values, while Chapter II elaborates on specific implementation measures in schools, communities, and families. Chapter III’s focus on cultural sectors, including “red tourism,” and media engagement illustrates the government’s comprehensive approach to promoting patriotism. Chapter IV emphasises support and safeguards, including legal penalties for actions against patriotic values.

This draft law is another propagandistic tool by the Chinese government to cultivate patriotism as a core national value. While some aspects are consistent with global trends in patriotic education, the CCP’s unique approach, including claims of ethnic exceptionalism, sets it apart.

The proposed law’s reach into daily life, popular culture, and the arts has the intended aim to forge a shared sense of national identity. However, its success may hinge on public perception, particularly considering the controversial aspects of China’s patriotic narrative and the growing trend of disillusioned younger citizens.

The legal prohibitions, coupled with the historical context of the CCP’s propaganda, raise questions about the balance between encouragement and enforcement.

As the legislation moves forward, it will undoubtedly spark further discussion and analysis. Its reception domestically and internationally, and its long-term impact on Chinese society, will be essential to observe, particularly in light of the CCP’s potentially being close to war with the West.

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