Positive Impact: Mind over Anti-Matter

by | Oct 21, 2022 | Dead Drop Dialect™ | 0 comments

Positive impact starts with defining what we stand for, rather than what we oppose. It is the first crucial step towards fostering an environment that encourages growth, understanding, and unity, as opposed to one brimming with anger, resentment, and division. In today’s polarized world, taking a stand for what you believe in can be a transformative power. This not only changes the narrative but also brings a significant shift in our personal and social dynamics.

No matter where one looks, it isn’t hard to hear the bemoaning cries of what people are against. This is normal, but is it constructive? I would argue, perhaps not.

It is well known that one can create a strong relationship with others over shared dislikes and thus can foster a sense of community. Suppose many of these individuals believe their shared dislikes are rooted in the prevailing dominant social shift, then include a dimension that can only be found when one perceives themselves as the righteous underdog. It is understandable why this may be a more attractive position.

The above premise can be seen on both sides of the political spectrum. The left would see themselves as being oppressed — also known as the victim mindset — and the right would see themselves as being freedom fighters. This is in no way a judgment call on either, instead just a detached observation. Both sides perceive their respective group as being the underdog fighting for the survival of their values.

What would happen if we were to turn this on its head? What if we were to flip the script and declare with equal vigour, what it was we are for? It is truly hard to say beyond a shadow of a doubt, but one could argue that it would not only change the physiology of the individual but also the paths one takes to actualise one’s goals.

I argue that we have reached a point where we know more about the intricacies of the opposing tribe than we do about ourselves. I believe it is now time to regroup, recenter, and reaffirm our values and our goals. There is value in standing up against what one believes is wrong — it is for you, the reader, to decide what those things are in your own life. There is value in finding like-minded individuals to build an understanding of the issue. But, could it be that to see measurable change, one needs to have a goal, a direction, and above all else, an idea of what you stand for?

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