Anti-White: When Does Critical Race Theory (CRT) Qualify?

by | Oct 16, 2022 | WOKESPLAIN™ | 0 comments

The term ‘Anti-White’ is polarising in racial discourse. Its critics deny its existence, while others see it as an ever-present reality for white individuals. The ‘White Wellbeing Movement’, formed in 2020, addresses what it perceives as cultural decay and unites a broad range of supporters under the banner of race. However, their interpretation of ‘Anti-White’ often differs from mainstream definitions. ‘Anti-White’ is typically used to highlight perceived discrimination against white people or disproportionate benefits to non-white groups. Critical Race Theory (CRT) is frequently pinpointed as the root of ‘Anti-White’ attitudes, but its real-world applications may distort its original meanings, contributing to racial prejudice.

The term ‘Anti-White’ has been thrown around liberally to describe topics concerning race and has become — just like the term ‘Woke’ — shorthand for a more complicated phenomenon.

There are some who argue that ‘Anti-White’ racism is not real — typically advocates of other Anti-race terms — whereas there are others who insist that it is an all-encompassing and insidious facet of daily existence for white individuals.

In 2020, I started researching what is known as the ‘White Wellbeing Movement’ which not only applied a diagnosis to the symptoms of the current cultural decay but took it one step further and built networks of support and community around this moniker.

The White Wellbeing Movement is a fascinating case study from which one can learn a great deal.

The ‘White Wellbeing Movement’ is not something that will appeal to all people, however, one can’t help but admire how they have identified a perceived issue and set about creating the conditions from which it can be managed. The movement is best described as what I would call a Neo-counterculture. It operates as a big tent that will allow many different denominations in, however, as one may expect, there is an extreme emphasis on race. The movement provides a cultural coming together of people from all walks of life from self-described White Separatists to centre-right disaffected individuals. Loosely speaking, whether supporters are consciously aware or not, it is racial collectivism that binds this movement together. It is vital to point out that just as with the left-wing racial groups, the White Wellbeing Movement has also changed many terms to fit their agenda. For this reason, we must understand that while our definition of ‘Anti-White’ will fit all situations they call ‘Anti-White’, their definition of ‘Anti-White’ will not fit all situations we would call ‘Anti-White’.

To truly contextualise the debate around the term ‘Anti-White’ one must first understand that this is a reactionary prescription of what users believe is widespread discrimination against White people — sometimes termed ‘reverse racism’ — or the perceived disproportionate benefits afforded to non-white groups. Advocates for the term ‘Anti-White’ rarely come from a place of racial superiority, however many users of terms such as ‘Anti-Black’ commonly do. All variations of the anti- [insert racial identity] are born out of a racially bonded Neo-tribalism which sees varying degrees of perceived superiority over each other.

So when Is something Anti-White? Critical Race Theory or CRT for short is cited as the progenitor of the ‘Anti-Whiteism’ (not to be confused with the White Wellbeing Movement definition) we see today. Topics such as CRT require dissecting to a certain degree so we can better understand each later of its manifestations.

On the top level, CRT which is taught within law schools is the purest form you can get. At this level, words have niche definitions which vary from the public understanding of the same words. Take ‘White’ or ‘Whiteness’ for example, these do not denote a skin colour or race, but instead, become a container word meaning Western Enlightenment values and all that is downstream from that.

The next level down sees what is known as ‘praxis’ or, the interfacing or application of CRT tenants within real-world scenarios. This is usually seen in the K-12, corporate, and governance world. ‘Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion’ programs and ‘Anti-racism’ are prime examples.

At the lowest level, we see its diluted and polluted manifestation within everyday community living. We can see it manifest when white individuals are targeted because of their race by non-white individuals.

With all that being said, is it correct to label CRT as ‘Anti-White’? Not quite. At its core CRT is the dictionary — until they changed it — definition of racism. Being that ‘white’ does not mean race, but rather Western Enlightenment values, it is impossible to say that in its purest form, CRT is ‘Anti-White’. However, as one moves further away from the source and closer to the downstream effects of this way of analysing the world, it is easier to ascribe a clear racial prejudice to it.

When we see a story of a white individual being targeted because of their race, that is anti-white. When we see an Asian being targeted because of their race, that is anti-Asian, when we talk about it on a higher level, CRT is simply racist.

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